Jóel Bæring Jónsson

Farmjob / Sveitastarf

A dairy farm in West Iceland seeks an employee.

The candidate needs to be able to communicate in Icelandic or English.

The work entails animal care, from feeding to cleaning.

Wages according to collective agreements in Iceland.

For further information, please contact by email: joel.b.jonsson@gmail.com or by phone 003547787778.

Please apply by filling in an online application here: www.vinnumalastofnun.is/eures and ut "220811-12" in the field for employer.

Application deadline is October 31, 2022.



Starf nr.: 220811-12

Skráð á vefinn: 11.08.2022

Stöðugildi: 1

Starfshlutfall: 100%

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