Stillbirth and miscarriage

A right to a bereavement grant or bereavement leave is also acquired due to miscarriage after 18 weeks of pregnancy and stillbirth after 22 weeks of pregnancy according to the Act on Bereavement leave No. 77/2022.


Miscarriage after 18 weeks of pregnancy

A parent earns a two month independent entitlement to bereavement leave or a bereavement grant due to miscarriage after 18 weeks of pregnancy.  The minimum period of bereavement leave or bereavement grant is two weeks, and the entitlement expires 24 months after miscarriage.


Stillbirth after 22 weeks of pregnancy

In instances of stillbirth occurring after 22 weeks of pregnancy, a parent earns an independent entitlement to bereavement leave or a bereavement grant for up to 3 months. The minimum period of bereavement leave or bereavement grant is two weeks, and the entitlement expires 24 months after miscarriage.


Right to bereavement leave or a bereavement grant

The requirements for an entitlement to bereavement leave or a bereavement grant and payments from The Directorate of Labour after stillbirth or miscarriage are the same as due to a loss of a child.

Parents earn an entitlement when they have been working continuously in at least a 25% employment ratio each month, whether it is paid employment in service for others, or as self-employed.

A bereavement grant is for parents studying full-time, or not participating in the labour market, or in a part-time employment below 25%.

Further information about bereavement leave and bereavement grant can be found on the website.*


Necessary documents to be submitted:

 Required documents in addition to basic application documents:

Medical certificate or a confirmation from a hospital stating the period of pregnancy and the child’s maternal and paternal parents.

If a parent has submitted an application to the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund before miscarriage or stillbirth, a new statement may have to be submitted about how the bereavement leave will be planned.



The same rules apply to payments as the ones you will find under payments of bereavement leave and payments of bereavement grants.

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