Announcement for Job-seekers

As of the 2nd of January, The Hafnarfjörður Job Center (Atvinnumiðstöð Hafnarfjarðar) will be closed and all services to job-seekers in Hafnarjörður will take place at the Vinnumálastofnun service center at Kringlan 1, 103 Reykjavík.

Services to young job-seekers in Kópavogur will also take place at Vinnumálastofnun, Kringlan 1, from the 2nd of January 2017.
Job-seekers are able to request interviews with councellors via email by contacting

Z dniem 2. stycznia 2017 Urzad Pracy w Hafnarfjörður zostaje zamkniety i przeniesiony do Urzedu Pracy, Kringlan 1, 103 Reykjavik.

Mlodziezowe biuro pracy w Kópavogur zostaje rowniez z dniem 02. stycznia 2017 przeniesione do Urzedu Pracy, Kringlan 1.

Osoby poszukujace pracy moga umowic sie na spotkanie z doradca mailowo:

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