Regarding the amendments to the six-month income-related unemployment benefit entitlement.

Parliament has approved amendments to the legislation on unemployment insurance which moves the six-month validity period of income-related benefits from the 1st of September 2020 to the 1st of June 2020. This means that jobseekers who had not fully utilised their income-related benefit period in June, July or August 2020 are entitled immediately to the six-month period instead of three months.


The labour market in November 2020



Restricted opening of service center in Reykjavík

The Directorate of Labour’s service center in Reykjavík will open on Wednesday the 16th of December.


Do you want to study for one semester while unemployed?

The Directorate of Labour offers job seekers that have been unemployed for 6 months, to study full-time for one semester while receiving unemployment benefits. The initiative is called Opportunity in Education (Nám er tækifæri).


December bonus for jobseekers.

Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister of Social Affairs and Children, has signed a regulation regarding the December bonus payment to jobseekers who are insured within the unemployment insurance system.


The labour market in October



Additional grant to study Icelandic this fall semester

The Directorate of Labour offers an additional 100% grant for Icelandic course this fall semester 


The labour market in September



Directorate of Labour Service Centers closed from the 5th of October

As of the 5th of October, all Directorate of Labour service centers will be closed due to the COVID-19 virus.This due to security measures in place to ensure the payment of unemployment benefits to jobseekers.


The labour market in August



Learning Icelandic fall 2020 in the Capital area

The Directorate of Labour will refund in full (100%) one Icelandic course for each jobseeker this fall semester.


The labour market in July 2020



The labour market in June 2020



Directorate of Labour Service Centers closed from the 31th of July.

Directorate of Labour Service Centers closed from the 31th of July.


Opening of Service Centers - Appointment bookings necessary

The Directorate of Labour’s service centers will re-open from either the 30th of June or the 6th of July, or upon the completion of the employees’ summer leave.


The labour market in May 2020



Notification to job seekers in reduced employment ratio for May

Job seekers, please be informed that if you are to continue to be registered on unemployment benefits alongside reduced employment ratio in May, you are required to confirm this in My Pages between the 20th and 25th of May.


The labour market in April 2020

The labour market in April 2020


Notification to job seekers in reduced employment ratio

The Directorate of Labour directs to job seekers in reduced employment ratio that they are required to deregister from the unemployment registry if their employment has been terminated and/or if they are returning back to  previous employment ratio. 


Reduced employment ratio available to all ages

The Directorate of Labour has received instructions from the Minister of Social and Children’s Affairs to deviate from the general age requirements of the Unemployment Insurance Act when applying for unemployment benefits alongside reduced employment ratio.


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