The Icelandic labour market in October 2023
The unemployment rate in October was 3,2%, up from 3,0% in September.
The unemployment rate in October was 3,2%, up from 3,0% in September.
West fjords (Ísafjörður) July 10th – August 7th.
The unemployment rate in April was 3,3%, down from 3,5% in March.
The unemployment rate in March was 3,5%, down from 3,7% in February.
15 Березня були прийняті зміни до Закону про право на працевлаштування іноземних громадян № 97/2002. Зміни були внесені до положень статей Закону під номером 11, 12 і 22, які передбачають, що власники дозволів на проживання на підставі гуманітарного захисту, а також на підставі особливого зв'язку з країною, відтепер будуть звільнені від вимоги додатково отримувати тимчасовий дозвіл на роботу. Окрім того, власники даного типу дозволів на проживання мають право отримувати виплати по безробіттю, за умови виконання відповідних вимог.
Amendments to Foreign Nationals’ Right to Work Act.
The unemployment rate in February was 3,7% and didn´t change from January.
The unemployment rate in January 2023 was 3,7% and increased from 3,4% in December 2022.
The labour market in December 2022
There were on average 6.184 unemployed in November 2022.
On January 1st 2023, The Bereavement Leave Act No. 77/2022 takes effect. The aim of the Act is to ensure that parents have room to grieve after the loss of a child, and to support surviving siblings in adapting to changed circumstances. It is also intended to increase the likelihood of parents successfully entering the labour market and being able to actively participate in society again after the loss of a child. The Act covers the rights of parents who have been working continuously in the domestic labour market to bereavement leave, as well as payments to compensate for loss of income during the period of the bereavement leave. The Act also covers the right to bereavement grant for parents who are outside the labour market or have worked in an employment ratio less than 25% and for parents studying full time. Parents’ entitlement to a bereavement leave or bereavement grant is up to six months from the day they suffer the loss of a child, and it expires 24 months later.
The unemployment rate in October 2022 was the same as in September or 2,8%.
Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, has signed a regulation regarding the payment of December bonus to job seekers. The undiminished December bonus is 94.119 kr. Job seekers with dependent children receive a special December bonus for each child younger than 18 years of age.
The unemployment rate in September reduced to 2,8% from 3,1% in August.
The unemployment rate in August reduced to 3,1% from 3,2% in July.
Services provided to applicants for international protection has been transferred from The Directorate of Immigration to The Directorate of Labour. The amendments took effect on July 1st 2022.
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