Búlandstindur ehf.


A fish processing company in eastern Iceland is searching for workers

• Perform any tasks related to fish processing.
• Participate in achieving the goals of processing in terms of performance and quality.
• Ensure safety in the workplace by following the company's safety rules and procedures, reporting all accidents and ensuring the safety of colleagues.
• Ensure hygiene in the workplace by following applicable hygiene rules. Take the initiative when it comes to hygiene and, of course, take care of your own hygiene.
• Always keep in mind that the quality of the product is a priority.
• Take part in teamwork that is required to be able to achieve the goals of processing.
• Other incidental work related to the processing. A fish processing operator can expect to be asked to temporarily take on and perform other tasks, e.g. attend courses, assist contractors, assist new employees and more.

- Salary according to collective agreement with AFL workers union.
- We work from 07:00 - 15:30
- We are hiring long term

Please apply before 19h of february on vmst.is/eures and put "240701-03" in the field for employers



Starf nr.: 240701-03

Skráð á vefinn: 01.07.2024

Stöðugildi: 5

Starfshlutfall: 100%

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