Stjörnugrís hf.


Looking for a herdsman for a sowfarm/pigfarm.

Only experienced people with certificate/recommendation or other proof of being experienced and qualified in the field of pig production.

Education is preferred in animal husbandry or veterinary medicine.

Main projects are Insemination , medication, birth care, care of piglets, cage inspection, vaccinations, registrations and cleaning

Basic English language skills is necessary.

Work is from 7-15.30 and every second weekend.

Salary is based on experience and collective agreements SGS/BI

Accommodation is provided as well as other benefits like meat products every month.

Further information about the position provided by email:

Please apply by filling in an online application here: and put "240606-06" in the field for employer.
Last application date is June 30th, 2024



Starf nr.: 240606-06

Skráð á vefinn: 06.06.2024

Stöðugildi: 2

Starfshlutfall: 100%

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